Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Best Optical Drive as of September 17, 2011

Samsung SE-406A ($150.00 according to

         Whats not to love about blu-ray players?  Not only can they play HD Blu-ray movies, but they can also play DVD's in HD as well! Now thats pretty cool right? Now add 3D capability, the ability to make blu-ray disks and DVD's, and it can make your own cover art! You are now the coolest person in your city. The only down side is that it is an external Optical Drive. This can mean one of two things. It will be easy to lose, or you can take it to your friends house and (possibly) hook it up to his/her awesome HDTV. So it almost boils down to wheather your an optimist or a pessimist! Either way I believe that you will be quite satisified with this small board of plastic. If it made this blog is a pretty good computer part!



  1. So it almost boils down to wheather your an optimist or a pessimist! Either way I believe that you will be quite satisified with this small board of plastic. If it made this blog is a pretty good computer part!
